Citera mera
Jag sitter just nu och läser en intervju (samtidigt som jag äter saffranskolor, dricker Kilkenny och halvjobbar med skolarbete) med författaren Dianne Sylvan och jag tycker hon är så skön! Läs och njut. :)
5. Do you have a stronger affinity for one of the Sabbats? If so, what is it about this particular holiday that "speaks to you?"
5. Do you have a stronger affinity for one of the Sabbats? If so, what is it about this particular holiday that "speaks to you?"
I've always been quite fond of Ostara; it has the best candy. I'm actually something of a Pagan heretic in that I don't really enjoy Beltane. To me, anything involving Autumn is especially wonderful, both because my birthday is in November and because living in Texas the relief from the heat is a cause for celebration. I'm not as attached to the holidays themselves as I am to the larger turn of the seasons.
Intervjun i sin helhet hittar ni här. Over and out.