Connecting Fate and Free Will
With a cup of coffee beside me, perhaps I can write a few lines and try to clear my mind about something.
Earlier this week I was on the chat and shared in a conversation on Fate. One person who was very keen on the concept, believed that all magic is a vice because it tries to change the unchangable, and that free will really doesn´t work. If something is meant to be there is nothing we can do to switch to another path. The only thing we can do is to accept wherever Fate takes us and have a positive outlook on life.
To me, this message is very disheartening. I kinda have a mental image, that surrounding us in every instance are a number of possible futures. Each time you make a choice, these possible outcomes change a little, leaving your future in a constant state of flux. I think that most of us agree that flowing energy is good energy, you don´t want to become passive or apathetic when it comes to living. Your free will is of vital importance here. To have the insight to know your own True Will, being able to imagine where you want your life to go, and to dare act.
Then it struck me like a lightning arrow - What if your Fate is the same thing as your True Will?! A defenition of a person´s True Will (by Ellie Crystal) is:
"A single overall motivation for their existence. The Law of Thelema mandates that each person follow their True Will to attain fulfillment in life and freedom from restriction of their nature."
By conducting your free will in order to follow your True Will (which it should serve instead of the ego), sometimes means to break away from something that is expected of you. It can be social rules, cultural norms or a career that´s chosen for you by your parents. This is intimately connected to the saying of American mythologist Joseph Campbell: "Follow your bliss". Always follow what from the core is making you happy and sets you in the centre of your life.
Both Fate and True Will lead you to where you´re meant to be, but perhaps only if you pay attention. It requires Insight, Imagination and Courage. Therefore it´s not inevitable. I´m starting to believe that Fate is incorporated in a person´s True Will. Like ebb and flow of the ocean, but at the same time related to something even greater; the gravity of the Moon.
Hm.. Intressant!
Precis! Så väl formulerat!
Vår sanna/egentliga Vilja formar vårt liv, snarare än ett bestämt Öde. Vårt 'öde' bestäms av hur väl/eller inte, vi följer vår sanna Vilja.
Personligen har jag fått uppleva styrkan i att verkligen lyssna till min sanna Vilja och följa den - vartän den lett mig... Och det har format mitt livsöde. Jag tror att det handlar om ifall man är Sann mot sig själv, eller inte.
Vår sanna Vilja då, är den ödesbestämd? Jag tror att vårt inre är sitt eget, men att det kan leda oss till olika punkter, beroende på andra omständigheter, även när vi agerar utefter med vår Sanning.
Man känner om man är sann mot sig själv eller inte. Man känner om man har frågetecken inom sig, eller en inre säkerhet (kanske trots yttre frågetecken).
Tack Neina! Du lyckades verkligen förtydliga mina tankar nu! :)
Så bra! Inspirerad av vad du skrev...